Splash Down


Day 256 – September 13, 2018

Water – PAWC / Diurnal – Thursday’s Special / Sep 13 – Which Way Photo / Home – Friday Foto Fun / Week #1 – Pull Up a Seat / Day 13 – #SeptemberSquares (pink) / Peddler – WODC / Oasis – RDP / Prism – FOWC (photo on bottom)

In Philly still, with time to take a walk along, what can easily be described as an oasis in the middle of the city.  This is Locust Walk.  It runs right through the middle of campus, and is simply beautiful.  It is a a main diurnal for the campus, used by peddlers, students and staff. 😬  A number of benches line the walkway fro those needing to take a load off either on their way to class or back home.  More rain = more water, and now with Flo moving in, the rain chances are going to continue to rise.  Oh well, at least I had a couple of days in the city, hanging with the boy and the daughter and her best friend (who kept me company on the trip) Just made this trip that much more memorable.  Those on the southeast coast, please be safe!

3 of Many


Down Time


You Got To Love Them

37 Replies to “Splash Down”

    1. That and if you look to the right there is a part of a mural that is pink! I’m trying to be much more legit. 😳(Who picked a color for the month? Let alone pink? That’s one of the toughest ones to find in everyday situations! 😝😂😘


    1. Ok so it was more symbolic. Most of the homes for the students are off of this road. So many of the people on the walk, associate the walk with “home”. It’s a little stretch, but I guess I should have made it more clear in the post. 😳 Promise I will do better with this weeks! 😬 Congrats on the downsizing, “off the grid” move. I am jealous and impressed!!😁

      Liked by 1 person

        1. Most of my posts leave me scratching my head 😜 My response will be better.

          I’ve watched all those tiny house type shows but never knew anyone who actually did it! Can’t wait to hear more about your journey! 🙂

          Liked by 1 person

          1. Gotcha- Sorry the Landlord is a ______. You would think they would be grateful to have you and to know that yo parent using any of their utilities.. 😕 I am incredibly impressed with your talents! 😯💕

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          2. I am about done with Karma! I am so ready for it to get out to those that need to be visited… I am sorry you have to go through this when it should be a very exciting and rewarding time. I still will be looking forward to your photos! Everything happens for a reason, even when the reason absolutely sucks! I got your back though! 😬😛💕

            Liked by 1 person

          3. Taking one win at a time! 😁 I saw through the windows in your pic that you are surrounded by trees. It does look beautiful.I’m glad to hear that there is some positive progress! I’d rather a bunch of small wins then one big one. 😘. I’m continuing to send positive vibes!

            Liked by 1 person

          4. No I’ve only ever posted one photo on instagram and never got into it … Lived in the outback for years but only taken up photography again more recently … so many missed opportunities 🙂

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          5. I don’t blame you. I abandoned my former Instagram account, and attempted to start one specifically for this blog. 😕 It’s already hard enough just to post here. But I do have it in case there are other photos I want to post from the days adventures. 😯 In any case, don’t fret about the lost opportunities, for whatever reason, and I believe there is always a reason, they weren’t meant to be documented. 🙄 But it could be that it wasn’t time then, but it is now or in the near future. Sorry if it sounds strange asking if you had other pics of your place. 😟 I am a very visual person, and when I read about places, events, etc. I get curious as to what they look like so I can fill in. My kids hate it because I always want to see pics or videos of where they are, if they are living somewhere different or on a trip somewhere. No pressure though, you have enough on your plate! 😁😉💕

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          6. see my post “Possum” about the farm and animals where I live … I tied a fictional story in with my neighbours … will do another eventually but concentrating on setting up .. compost loo is operational today and grey water closer to resolved. Fresh water ….

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          7. No It’s very much there, good mature trees, just the landlord invites everyone in and the trees get stripped quickly 😦
            Fresh water … ask landlord, he wont let me buy a tank but whinges about every drop I use … yet joyously give 4,000 litres a weekend to a farmer?!?

            Liked by 1 person

          8. Well that makes absolutely no sense. How much does he use for his Alpacas. Seriously? And if he is on a well, then that’s just horrible. Is it a petting zoo/farm? I mean other than Alpacas what are other people doing? Especially that the trees are being stripped?

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          9. Stripped of fruit, he has ‘stuff’ everywhere … miles of miniture railway line, rebuilding tractors, farm stays, overseas students, tenants, people just accessing all his fathers engineering tools … do I need to go on

            Liked by 1 person

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