Mother Dear

Day 167 – June  16, 2019

Veering Off the Path – Sunday Stills / Perspective – One Word Sunday / Gratis – FOWC / Rabbit – RDP / Daddy – WODC

Happy Father’s Day to all my fellow fathers out there.  I know it’s two days in a row of these things but while doing the Father’s Day thing, I was treated to the sight of Momma and her baby not five feet from me.  And because it was in my backyard, it was gratis.  At first, all I saw was momma doing her usual thing, but then something hopped up from the greens. At first I thought it was just a rabbit, but then she came out and I could see.  The little fawn can’t be more than 1 – 2 weeks old.  I know that I have seen daddy out and about as well, but he’s probably relaxing and enjoying some alone time. 😛 It’s not every day that I am treated to a little one up close, but it is becoming much more frequent as they get closer and closer to the house.

Look What I Found

That’s a Wrap

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