Big Red Truck


Day 34 (399) – February 3, 2019

Fire – Sunday Stills / Night – One Word Sunday / Hindsight – FOWC / Gridiron – RDP / Gimmick – WODC /

It’s Super Bowl Sunday and for those of you not from the states I was always curious if it is a big deal outside the states.  Because I played football on a pitch and on a gridiron, I have a great appreciation for the game, either one. Even though my team isn’t playing, and I think both teams playing probably really shouldn’t be, any excuse for me to make junk food (appetizers) for dinner is worth watching. And although there is a lot of hype and gimmicks leading up to the game,  in hindsight perhaps a little too much, the earlier the pageantry starts, the more “snacks” I get to go through. So I am going to post this early and keep it short because I have potato skins to fill.  This morning, on the way to breakfast, the sounds of the siren call was blaring.  When I get to the diner, the trucks were pulling out.  When I left the diner, they were returning, backing up, into the garage.  This truck is huge.  I watched in amazement as the driver navigated the turn and the tight spaces like a mouse in a maze who knows exactly where the cheese is.  It really was something to see. I only wish that the photo was taken at night. Which is why there is one more shot below.  This one is actually from Friday night.  When I let Anastasia in, I noticed sparkles all over the deck.  It looked like a diamond mine.  I did my best to capture it.  All the little bright spots are snow crystals, not a problem with my camera 😛Off I go, got some chicken that needs cooking for the nachos.

Crystal Palace

Look What I Found

Oh the Places You’ll Go

15 Replies to “Big Red Truck”

  1. Spooky synchronicity. We attended a Super Bowl party two doors down. The hostess said: “As you are new, I need to explain to you about the Big Red Truck.” Apparently it is the punch line for some joke, and overhearing the joke, her granddaughter uses the phrase instead “duh”. So big red truck means – well that’s obvious, Dummy…

    Liked by 1 person

  2. As soon as I saw you linked and the title I just KNEW there was going to be a fire truck in the post! 🙂 We just came from a church event complete with potluck, so too full to eat Superbowl snacks (thank goodness). Hubby played football and soccer but has tired of the NFL politics. Enjoy your day and your nachos!!

    Liked by 1 person

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